Structural Repairs of Short Columns Present in Public Schools Buildings
The Puerto Rico Department of Education has invested more than $500,000,000 for the Structural Repairs of Short Columns Present in Public Schools Buildings. ROV has been providing Program Management services to the Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority since July 2021.
Post-Seismic Evaluation of Public Schools Buildings
The Puerto Rico Department of Education hire ROV to provide Program Management and building assessment of the structural integrity for 856 public schools regarding the seismic events caused by an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude and its aftershocks in year 2020.
Schools for the 21st Century
The Puerto Rico Department of Education with an investment of more than $756 million dollars, through the Public-Private Partnerships Authority modernized a total of 95 schools and built another 5 to grant the students of Puerto Rico. ROV oversaw the management and evaluation of the scheduling for the Program.
Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB)
ROV provided construction management services to Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority related to the federal program “Qualified Zone Academy Bond”, which was allocated $54,000,000. The tasks provided were described as construction management including the preparation of construction baseline schedules, schedule monitoring, monthly updating, recovery schedules, schedule time impact analysis, cash flow reporting, manpower, resources reporting, and claims dispute resolution.