Construction Claims

When construction disputes or delays occur, the parties involved recognize that a great deal is at stake. Identifying competent construction experts to resolve those disputes makes a significant difference in your outcome. Our experts have a wealth of experience in identifying, analyzing, preparing, and presenting claims and disputes on construction and engineering projects.

ROV’s distinct edge over other construction claims experts is a result of our expertise and experience in managing more than $1 billion in actual construction projects and programs. Our hands-on experience on real-life projects has consistently proven invaluable to clients who ask us for expert advice or when providing after-the-fact analyses of disputes and claims.

Claims Management & Avoidance

Proactive claims management begins during preconstruction and continues until a project is successfully completed. Our preconstruction analysis includes a detailed review of contract documents, contract schedule, change orders and directives, requests for information, and pertinent correspondence. Knowledge of issues on prior projects allows us to focus on areas where potential for early resolution is greatest.

When analyzing contract requirements, we identify key issues and determine the most appropriate interpretation. Additionally, we recommend pre-project risk assessment, a thorough constructability review of the contract documents, value engineering, and rigorous construction management processes such as a prescribed claims resolution methodology to minimize the chance of major claims.

ROV is unparalleled in avoiding, mitigating, and resolving construction claims. Our success is based on many factors, including extensive experience in project management; real-world understanding from numerous construction projects in multiple industries; specific knowledge of the design/construction process; particular attention to detail; and outstanding professional care and due diligence in providing services. Our claims resolution experts are well seasoned in various dispute resolution processes (e.g., litigation, arbitration, mediation, third-party neutral, dispute review boards, negotiations, etc.), and our portfolio contains experience, not only as skilled consultants, but also as testifying experts, which has resulted in resolving the majority of disputed changes and claims analysis assignments prior to trial or arbitration.

Expert Claims Analysis

Engineering and construction disputes often involve third parties and center on complex, technical issues, schedule and program delays, economic damages, time impacts, and contract interpretation. ROV experts are highly skilled at explaining these issues in simple, easy-to-understand terms when presenting the results of our analysis in the forum required (i.e., trial, deposition, arbitration, mediation, dispute review boards, negotiations, etc.). Our construction industry knowledge provides our clients with the utmost confidence in our analysis and explanation of the nuances and details that accompany construction projects during any phase.

ROV has an impressive track record in providing expert advice for disputed changes and claims on construction projects. Our claims professionals have served as mediators and have functioned in the capacity of “neutral evaluator” or “third-party neutral.” In addition, we are often asked to assist in, or actively facilitate, negotiating construction dispute settlements on behalf of our clients.